Light and shadows
Light and shadows Oil painting of birch bark with light and shadows playing across the surface creating new patterns. 33cm x 33cm approx, framed. Oil on board. £245 Please contact…
Light and shadows Oil painting of birch bark with light and shadows playing across the surface creating new patterns. 33cm x 33cm approx, framed. Oil on board. £245 Please contact…
Autumn treasure II Oil painting of a conkers and leaves in the golden late autumn sunlight. 33cm x 33cm approx, framed. Oil on board. SOLD Please check out my online…
Autumn treasure I Oil painting of two conkers in the late autumn light. 33cm x 33cm approx, framed. Oil on board. £245 Please contact me if you are interested in…
Apple blossom Oil painting of Morello cherry blossom from the tree in our back garden. 33.5cm x 33.5cm, framed. Oil on board. £POA If you are interested in purchasing this…
Morello cherry blossom Oil painting of Morello cherry blossom from the tree in our back garden. 33.5cm x 33.5cm, framed. Oil on board. £POA If you are interested in purchasing…
Autumn sunlight Autumn sunlight focuses on the beautiful shapes and patterns found in birch bark. I am working on a series of paintings exploring the shapes and patterns found in…